Do you ever feel like you’re missing something? Like if you knew a little bit more, you could finally start that business you’ve been dreaming of? Or if you could just figure out what that one entrepreneur you look up to knows, you could take your business to the next level?
If the fear of not knowing enough—whether it’s about money, how you’ll survive without the perceived stability of your 9-5, or how you could actually build a profitable business from home, then this reading list is for you.
This is for the mamas who dream of finding a way to stay at home with your babies while still contributing to your family’s finances. Lauren Golden, The Original Free Mama, tells her story of building her business from scratch, weaving in the invaluable lessons she has learned along the way with real, tactical and practical advice to get you - yes, YOU - ready to build your dream career from home.
Beyond making a living for your family, what’s the point of being in business? As creators, how can we impact the world around us for the better? That’s what Clayton M. Christensen offers to us in this book: a practical and sustainable way to lift entire communities and countries out of poverty through innovation. Because innovation not only builds companies, but also entire countries. If you’re an international business and international development nerd like me, you’ll love this one!
If you’ve been wondering why you are putting so much effort, expertise, and enthusiasm into your business but you aren’t seeing the return on investment through sales and new client leads, this is the book for you. Donald Miller shares with readers his StoryBrand process, his proven solution to help entrepreneurs explain the advantage of your specific product or service. Quit struggling to sell and start selling out by telling your brand’s story.
America’s favorite finance coach, Dave Ramsey, puts his readers to work in this book. With a play on the fitness industry, Ramsey focuses on passing up fad financial ideas and “get rich quick” schemes for the slow and steady building of financial fitness. We followed his plan and it has changed my family’s life! If you are ready to stop dreaming of the day your finances will be in order and see that day now, this book will help you design a plan to pay off your debt, recognize (and stop listening to) the top ten myths about money, and start saving for retirement.
Do you dream of quitting your job, moving to an island, and living your best life now instead of waiting around for retirement? Timothy Ferriss has done it and he has shown countless others how to achieve this life as well. In this book, you will learn how Ferriss multiplied his income by more than 10 times, how to outsource the tasks you would rather not do, and how to cut your workload in half. If you are ready to stop waiting around for the life you want, this book is for you.
Whether you are brand-new to self-employment, still just dipping your toes into the entrepreneurial waters, looking to upscale your business, or a proven pro, these books will help you remove the fears and insecurities which are blocking your growth and help you find the life you’ve been dreaming of.